Macau logistics services refer to freight logistics services such as cargo transport, warehousing and distribution between mainland China and Macao. With the increasing frequency of economic exchanges between the two places, Macau logistics services have become an important bridge to promote trade between the two places. Macau cargo transport services involve a variety of transport modes, customs clearance procedures, cargo tracking and information services, etc., aiming at efficient and safe transport of goods from mainland China to Macau or vice versa.

We provide round-trip Macau freight transport services from mainland China to Macau.

The main advantages and features of our Macau freight forwarding service are:

  • We can provide round-trip two-way transport service from Mainland China to Macau. 
  • Specialised operation and a wide range of transport vehicle services are available. 
  • Daily round trip, 24 hours professional customs declaration and inspection service. 
  • Door-to-door service can be realised, which can be delivered to the terminal, airport, or warehouse.
Macau Logistics

Macao logistics lines operation process

  • Quotation
  • Arrangement of pick-up
  • Customs declaration and inspection
  • Tax Payment and Inspection
  • Cargo release
  • Customs clearance in Macau
  • Arrangement of delivery

Macau Logistics Lines Services

  • Provide door-to-door service of bulk/full truck land transport from all over China to Macau
  • Provide van-type tonnage trucks: 3-tonne trucks, 5-tonne trucks, 8-tonne trucks, 10-tonne trucks, 12-tonne trucks and so on.
  • Provide special trucks: flatbed trucks, low row trucks, wing trucks, refrigerated trucks and other various models.
  • Provide one-stop service for export and import of full truckload cargo.
  • Provide local warehousing and distribution of imported and exported goods to Hong Kong and Macao.
  • Provide delivery service: ocean class, airport class, private class.
